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Site Location: Projects > GIES 2023

Gerontech and Innovation Expo
cum Summit 2023
The Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit (GIES) had been held on 23-26 November 2023. In this year, GSBE again join this Hong Kong's largest gerontechnology public education event and successfully attracted attention from the public. GSBE hopes the newest rehabilitation technology can help the people in needed can improve their daily life.

Personalized Blood Flow Restriction
Personalized Blood Flow Restriction (PBFR) is one of the promotion themes by GSBE Company Ltd. in this year. Aiming the public to know more about PBFR, it is one of rehabilitation equipments for improvement of sarcopenia. Through the free trial of muscle hypertrophy during GIES, the public can have a preliminary understanding for PBFR.
個人化血流限制增肌系統 (PBFR)

Autonomous exercise training
GSBE Company Ltd. provides rehabilitation equipments to people for doing exercise by theirselves, encourage and help them to do more exercise. It can also be used together with Personalized Blood Flow Restriction (PBFR) while doing very simple exercise, muscle hypertrophy would be very successful.

ST GYM, promoted by GSBE Company Ltd., aiming to dysphagia patients can train and improve with the rehabilitation equipments by theirselves. We also have a home based, innovative and painless NMES training method, Rental Program for dysphagia patients do training at different locations. (The Rental Program must be referred by The Biber Protocol® Practitioners or certificated Speech Therapists.)
翹弦有限公司推行的「言語治療自療室(ST GYM)」,希望打造一個吞嚥障礙患者可自己使用復康器材進行治療的空間。我們更有「居家無痛吞嚥電刺激治療方案」租借計劃,患者可在不同場所都可進行治療。(此計劃需由合資格言語治療師或The Biber Protocol®專業資格醫護人士轉介)

Stroke Rehabilitative Trainings
GSBE Company Ltd. provided more diversified stroke rehabilitation equipments, attracted the public to know and try to use. This showed the public to understand more about the newest stroke rehabilitation equipments.

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